Online Marketing & Social Media

Negative Reviews

Negative reviews can affect any business’s online reputation and ultimately its bottom line.  Here are a few ways your business can avoid negative reviews. Negative reviews have always been a concern of business owners.  In the past, word of mouth…

Online Marketing & Social Media

Facebook Emoji Tracking

Facebook’s new emojis offer a wider range of quick reactions to posts but Facebook emoji tracking allows them to mold what appears in your News Feed. Facebook users recently saw new emoji options below their News Feed posts recently but…

Voice Recognition

Voice Recognition Software

Can voice recognition software help you improve your productivity? We take a look. Voice recognition software is becoming much more common in today’s gadgets. From composing texts on our phones to accessing devices like Amazon’s Echo, voice recognition software and apps…

Hardware Recommendations

Data Storage Forever

A new method of optical data storage can record large amounts of data in a small space and still be readable billions of years in the future. Data storage has always been one of the main components of information systems….

Microsoft Windows

Windows 10 Update Strategy

Windows 10 becomes a recommended update for all Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 users, signalling a new phase in Microsoft’s marketing. Windows 10 has been slowly making its way onto PCs over the last several months.  Much of this is…

Hardware Recommendations

Falcons’ New Video Board

The Atlanta Falcons are getting the NFL’s largest video board in the new Mercedes-Benz Stadium. Everyone loves a huge TV and they don’t get much bigger than a sporting arena video board.  The NFL’s biggest game is almost here and…

Online Marketing & Social Media

Google My Business

Google My Business can help small and local businesses manage their web presence across a variety of Google apps. Google My Business is hoping to make being seen easier for local and small business owners.  Google My Business replaces and…

Microsoft Office

Office 2016

The newest version of Microsoft’s perennial business software, Office 2016, is here.  We take a look at some of the changes on offer. Office 2016, Microsoft’s omnipresent office work software, was released not too long ago.  Here we’ll take a…

Virtual Reality

Oculus Rift

Oculus Rift will be available later this year but are consumers ready for this VR technology? Oculus Rift, the long-awaited virtual reality (VR) headset, will see release later this year.  A US price of $600 has been announced.  This includes…

Computer Consultants

Your Atlanta Computer Consultants

Get to know your Atlanta Computer Consultants trueITpros has been making a name as your Atlanta Computer Consultants since 1998. Our job description is in our name: we provide IT services, to local and international businesses and individuals. Whether you’re…