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Facebook Emoji Tracking

Facebook’s new emojis offer a wider range of quick reactions to posts but Facebook emoji tracking allows them to mold what appears in your News Feed.

Facebook Emojis
Facebook Emojis

Facebook users recently saw new emoji options below their News Feed posts recently but these options have also allowed for improved Facebook emoji tracking.

The addition of the new Facebook emojis definitely expand how we “Like” something  They range from the familiar “thumbs up” to stronger emotions such as “love” and “angry.”  This is a feature we’ve all probably wanted for a while.  (Having to explain that we’re showing support and not enjoying that our friends’ pets are sick or that their sink’s pipes burst is awkward.)  But this new feature also comes with some strings attached:  Facebook emoji tracking.

Facebook has stated that it is keeping tabs on the emojis users click and this isn’t just for broad statistical purposes.  The emojis you use and the topics they’re applied to are being collated and parsed to further tailor your News Feed.  What you like and what you don’t helps Facebook refine the posts you see in order to keep your News Feed as engaging as possible.  When Facebook understands what best reaches its users, it can pass on that information to people hoping to advertise through social media.  A recent example can be seen in the increase in videos across Facebook.  Analytics showed that videos held user attention better than articles and thus Facebook began encouraging video-based posts.

There are some who might not appreciate having their emotions surveyed day in and day out through Facebook emoji tracking.  Many of us remember the recent research project in which Facebook subtly altered around 700,000 users’ News Feeds to test their emotional reactions.  That didn’t sit well with everyone.  Even if you didn’t mind, however, it’s easy to see the new Facebook emoji tracking as extensions of these tests.  The system underlying the emojis will sculpt a user’s News Feed into a more pleasant experience which, as the research shows, does yield results.  Facebook emoji tracking will also be used to collect more refined data to fuel further changes in the future.

The new reaction emojis give users more nuanced ways to respond to the posts they see in their News Feeds.  They also allow Facebook to move beyond the binary of “Like” or nothing in their data collection.  Ultimately it will be up to each Facebook user to decide if they’ll go along with Facebook emoji tracking for the sake of quicker expression or not.

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